Kids Haven Consignments hosts semi-annual consignment sales that have everything growing children and families need. Every sale provides 14 days of fantastic bargain shopping including pre-sale shopping nights for volunteers and consignors, discount sale days ranging from 10% off to 50% off as well as a 75% off sale! And to make shopping more convenient, Kids Haven sales are held in local retail spaces!

For more information about how Kids Haven Consignment sales work, just follow the link above.

Kids Haven Consignments has earned a great reputation for hosting meticulously well organized events with exceptional savings for shoppers and unparalleled accountability for consignors. That's probably why Kids Haven has grown so fast! Why not join our team and start your own Kids Haven franchise in a town near you? We know you'll find it to be very satisfying and rewarding!

For more information about starting a Kids Haven franchise, just follow the link above.

To find the closest Kids Haven Consignment sale just follow the link above. Additional sale locations will be added if new franchises are established. When that happens you will be able to enter your zip code in the box below to find other sale locations.

And if there are no sales located within 30 miles, you may be eligible to start your own Kids Haven franchise!

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Rhonda from Culpeper said: "I have consigned with Kids Haven from the very first sale and I can't say enough how much I have appreciated it! For the past 2 years the money I have made from the sale has covered the cost of my kids clothes for that season. And then I can turn around and consign those clothes and get new ones again! My friends are always telling me my kids are dressed so cute. You should see their jaw drop when I tell them most of their clothes I get at consignment! There is no better way to get brand name clothes and shoes for your kids at awesome prices! Getting paid to clean out your closets? What a great deal!!"

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  • Another successful Sale!
    I want to thank everyone for making Kids Haven's 44th sale so successful.During this sale 280 consignors brought in 30,652 items and Kids Haven accurately accounted for 99.5% of them.   It is noteworthy that 75% of our consignors sold more than half of their items and a third of our consignors sold more than 70% of their items!   And of all the items that were sold, 75% sold at full price!These stats indicate that most consignors were careful to bring in only their better items and price them to sell.Additionally, Kids Haven's consignors generously donated 2,604 of their unsold items valued at $14,233 to deserving families, agencies and organizations.All Final Accounting Reports hav...
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