Sale Information
The best way to consign, shop and save!
Cost conscious families no longer have to choose between shopping in overpriced malls, dingy old consignment stores or unreliable yard sales. Kids Haven provides a better way! Twice a year, Kids Haven consigns everything growing families need and puts it all under one roof! Kids Haven specializes in gently used children's clothing, shoes, baby equipment, nursery items, youth furniture, sports equipment, books, games and toys, toys, toys! Every sale provides at least 14 days of fantastic bargain shopping including pre-sale shopping nights for volunteers and consignors, discount sale days ranging from 10% off to 50% off as well as a 75% off sale! And for your convenience, Kids Haven accepts the following:
What a perfect way to recycle things that your children have outgrown and earn some extra money in the process! And even better, you can purchase what your children need now at unbelievable prices! It's a "win-win" for you and your entire family! Join us as a consignor or a volunteer... or just come in to shop. Once you discover the incredible deals at Kids Haven, it will be an event that you will never want to miss again! For information about our next sale, just follow the links to the left.
If you are new to Kids Haven, Join our Mailing List today! If you are returning to Kids Haven, Log Into Your Account and start to prepare your items because Kids Haven is right around the corner!
See you soon,
Angela D. Sain