CALENDAR: Receiving for the Spring/Summer 2025 sale will start on Sunday, March 9th and run through Saturday, March 15th. Volunteer Shopping Night will be on Thursday, March 27th and Consignor Shopping Night will be on Friday, March 28th. Kids Haven will open for public shopping on Saturday March 29th and will be open every day from then until April 8th. Our Discount Days will run from April 4th until April 8th and our final clearance sale will be held on Sunday, April 13th. Please see the sale calendar for more details.
RETRIEVING: Kids Haven has scheduled consignors' retrieval of unsold items for Saturday, April 12th. Unsold items can be retrieved from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM that day. Except for bona fide emergencies, that will be the only opportunity to retrieve your unsold items. If this doesn't fit your personal schedule, please make arrangements with a family member or friend to retrieve your unsold items for you.
LOCATION: For the Spring/Summer 2025 sale, Kids Haven will be located in the Warrenton Village Shopping Center at 251 West Lee Highway near the Staples and Petco stores.
MATERNITY CLOTHING: Since floor space will not be as limited in this location, maternity wear will be accepted at this sale.
TAGGING: Tags must be securely attached to the clothing item itself; not just to the clothing hanger. Please review the online Instructions for acceptable ways to attach the tags to the clothing items.
POLICIES: There may have been some changes to policies regarding consigning, discounting, donating and tagging. Please take a few minutes to carefully review the online Instructions for the new policies as well as any additional changes that may have been made since you last participated.
EMAIL NOTIFICATIONS: After years of collecting email addresses from our Kids Haven patrons, we are now using those email addresses for notification of upcoming sales. Postage increases have forced us to stop sending notifications by first class mail.
ATTENTION ALL CONSIGNORS: Do you want to earn more from the sale of your items? All you have to do is volunteer for more than 4 hours and for every extra hour you work beyond the 4 hour minimum your percentage on up to $500 of your items will be increased.
ATTENTION TOP VOLUNTEERS: How would you like to have a head start shopping at Kids Haven's spring sale? All you have to do is be one of the top three volunteers for the current sale and you will earn the right to shop as early as 5:45 pm on volunteer shopping night! That's right; you and two other volunteers will be able to shop before the rest of the volunteers. Start reserving your volunteer shifts now and be in the TOP THREE this sale!
ATTENTION ALL VOLUNTEERS: On Volunteer Shopping Night, volunteers who worked for 8 hours or more will be admitted starting at 6 pm and volunteers who worked between 4 and 8 hours will admitted starting at 7 pm. To be fair to everyone who volunteered, only persons who have the requisite number of volunteer hours credited to them will be allowed to shop. That means guests, spouses or mobile children will not be allowed to shop independently unless their sponsor worked extra hours and shares their extra hours with them.
CONSUMER PRODUCT SAFETY IMPROVEMENT ACT (CPSIA) of 2008: The CPSIA made it unlawful to sell any product that has been recalled. Consignors must check the CPSC website at for recalls before consigning their items. Items with uncorrected recalls will not be accepted for consignment.
TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Kids Haven's consignor fees (10 cents per consigned item) are the same as the last sale. Final Accounting Reports can be downloaded and printed from your on-line Kids Haven account for at least 60 days after the sale so printed copies will not be provided unless specifically requested. Printed copies will cost 10 cents per page. Please take a few minutes to review the detailed online Instructions for any other changes that may have been made since you last participated in Kids Haven.